Yesterday for snack, the kids ate bagels. They've had bagels before so some of them said they didn't want one because they didn't like them. One of the boys asked for one then said he didn't like it. I told him he had to eat it and not waste food. A few minutes later he was at the carpet. I figured he had snuck it in the trashcan. A while later I looked under his table, there was bagel all over the floor. I ask him if it was his and he said no. I asked the girl across from him if it was hers and she said she had eaten hers. Oh man! I was not very happy with the boy. What a toot! Lying to me. Not cool.
For Halloween we rotate all the Kinder classes through our rooms and do crafts with them. In my room, the kids were making pumpkin windsocks. The kids didn't know what it was when I first showed them. One of them said "It's a squid!!" Haha close!
At the end of the day, Kinder hallway looked like we had a party! There was paper everywhere. My room was the biggest mess because my kids ate popcorn on the carpet and smashed it in. Awesome. I felt bad for the custodians. I didn't want to be there when they saw my room.
Other than the craft mess, today was actually really nice for me. I have an aide that works with one of my kids. She drives me crazy because she never actually does her job (she pays her bills and talks on the phone...) and I'm not one to confront people. Today I didn't have to deal with that because she was going room to room with the kid she helps. She probably isn't going to like me after tomorrow because I gave her a schedule of what I expect her to do when the sub is there. Hopefully that works out. We shall see!! I'm excited for our Kinder planning day tomorrow!!
On a random note, when we go to work, we lock Muñeca in the bathroom. Apparently she is a vicious attack dog when we aren't around. She attacked the guy fixing our toilet. But anyways, lately she's been pooping in the bathtub. I'm not sure if I should be mad or impressed! Plus it's easy clean up.
Today in the mail I got a sample of locks. Now I can baby proof my house! Haha
I also got a sample of tea and shampoo!
So ready for my extra hour of sleep this weekend!!! Yay :-)